We get started, and the first thing I hear is "Track One" from all around the room, followed by "Disk one," "disk two," "disk three," "disk four" from the various CD players.
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The music is starting. I hear a base, drum set, what sounds like whirligigs, and some random, indescribable noises!
This is a bit strange, I think as the music starts. It's really weird sitting there and hearing fragments of music coming from around the room, corroborating, making it sound like one CD on a super high surround sound!
I hear a bunch of "Ah's" emancipating from
Number two has stomping, or thunder. Now, a Phantom of the Opera quality kind of music is radiating from each of the music systems. Well, for a few seconds anyway. There are bunches a guitars and "ah's." As I look around, I notice some people are making the this-is-strange type of face. I can't blame them, however; I'm thinking the same thing!
I can now hear and understand some words: "You're invisible now," then it reverts back to the mumbling that I've been hearing throughout.
Ooookaaaay, I'm thinking, The CD's are now screaming. No doubt in agony to this music!
I notice that many people are laying or sitting Indian-I mean "Native American"-style. I am the only one in a desk though. I can't write on the floor; I need a desk.
My stereo is now playing a bass, now a flute, now a trumpet. More people are starting to lie down. And I really don't want to write this as I glance at my book. I'm tempted to pick it up and start reading. This is the perfect music to read to!
Track three is sounding odd, more than likely because two players are out of sync! Sylvia's is a bit behind, and
Professor Ware, the oddball that he is, is just walking around the room, sitting at various locations and screwing with the volumes of the players.
I mouth to Katelyn, "This is strange." I don't know if she understood or not, but she nods just the same.
You can really tell that two players are now out of sync by the atrocious noise diffusing throughout the room. It's horrible!! I am glad that Kara and I are synced, at least!
OOOH. Here comes Professor Ware to adjust the volume of the speakers... again! I am about to suggest that we just blare them all and see what happens and feel the full effect, but I hold my tongue. Instead, I grab the remote for my stereo and press a button to see how much time is left. Twenty-two minutes!
I decided to look around and count. Six people are lying down (one is asleep, I think). No, eight are lying, and more are falling asleep, or just thinking with their eyes closed. I really don’t know how people can sleep with this atrocious racket. It’s unbelievable! I hazard a glance at the overhead screen to see the title of this newest song, track 5. “The Train Ran Over The Camel, But Is Derailed By The Gnat.” What an odd name!
Kara and I are still synced.
There is now one person I’m positive is asleep, maybe two. Professor Ware is still walking around the room. 10:28 left. Yay, we are almost finished with the racket!!
I wonder what we are going to do next. No doubt some horrid essay about all of this!
Eight people are lying down.
It’s starting to sound like wood shop in here! “March of the Rotten Vegetables.” Oddest titles I’ve ever heard. Oddly enough, I can almost hear the vegetables on the march! Another person sat up, and I still think that the one is sleeping.
YES! Last song! 4:12 left! It’s about dogs and the toys they didn’t ruin. Kara’s is the only one playing music, and the others are narrating words. Nope, Sylvia’s is the only doing words now. The others’ are doing music.
I have no clue what to think anymore! The three back to playing words (mine, Gary, Sylvia) are so off sync, one can’t make heads or tails of what’s going on! I glance at the timer, 45 seconds. Class is almost out, too! About five minutes left.
It sounds like